For Sale ads are free to California Red Sheep Registry members.They must include animals registration numbers and/or parents registration numbers.
New memberships include a membership book that has breed history, standdards, rules and registry records. Membership includes 2 voting family members and free non-voting memberships of any junior (22 years and under) family members. Members are entitled to reduced fees on registration, show certificates, transfers and other services. See Fee Schedule for details. Those who join in the last quarter of the year will have their membership extended to December of the following year. Upon completion of this application you will receive an invoice for services which may be paid by credit card, debit card or check.
Renewal of membership is due on January 1st of each year. Memberships end on December 31 of that year. See Fee Schedule for details. Upon completion of this application you will receive an invoice for services which may be paid by credit card, debit cand or check.
Ewes must be at least 6 months of age to apply for registration. Rams must be 1 year of age to be eligible. Upon completion of application(s) you will receive an invoice for services which may be paid by credit card, debit cand or check.
The Record of Sale is not a required form. The purpose of this form is to notify the registrar that animals you sell prior to registration are eligible (or not eligible) for future registration.
This form should be used when submitting show results on Registered California Red Sheep. The Show Incentives Committee will determine rules and incentives for each years show incentive program. This form will be required to receive any incentives.
Show Certificate application
The purpose of a show certificate is to provide you with proof of breed for show
purposes prior to the animal reaching minimum age for registration. Show certificates
may also be obtained for show wethers. Wethers are not registerable at any age.
This form should be used when a ewe or ewes are sold after being exposed to a ram. The new owner will need to have this form in order to register lambs conceived prior to their ownership of ewes.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
New memberships include a membership book that has breed history, standdards, rules and registry records. Membership includes 2 voting family members and free non-voting memberships of any junior (22 years and under) family members. Members are entitled to reduced fees on registration, show certificates, transfers and other services. See Fee Schedule for details. Those who join in the last quarter of the year will have their membership extended to December of the following year. Upon completion of this application you will receive an invoice for services which may be paid by credit card, debit card or check.
Renewal of membership is due on January 1st of each year. Memberships end on December 31 of that year. See Fee Schedule for details. Upon completion of this application you will receive an invoice for services which may be paid by credit card, debit cand or check.
Ewes must be at least 6 months of age to apply for registration. Rams must be 1 year of age to be eligible. Upon completion of application(s) you will receive an invoice for services which may be paid by credit card, debit cand or check.
The Record of Sale is not a required form. The purpose of this form is to notify the registrar that animals you sell prior to registration are eligible (or not eligible) for future registration.
This form should be used when a ewe or ewes are sold after being exposed to a ram. The new owner will need to have this form in order to register lambs conceived prior to their ownership of ewes.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
-Why should I register my sheep?Maintaining a registered flock strengthens your reputation as a credible breeder and increases and protects the value of your animals. It warrantees to your buyers that the sheep you are selling them meet breed standards and thereby makes your animals more marketable. A registered flock provides traceability of pedigree and researchable records for buyers and breeders. In addition, especially when dealing with a rare breed like California Red Sheep, registry records provide a pool of genetic data which can be analyzed and shared with other breeders, ultimately leading to breed preservation and improvement.- Why can't I register my lambs as soon as they are born?Having been developed in the 1970’s, the California Red Sheep breed is very young in terms of genetic development. The Board of Directors has, from its inception, been concerned with developing and sustaining production animals that breed true to the Standard of Type for California Red Sheep. By waiting until six months of age on ewes and one year of age on rams the registrar can insure that characteristics such as size, polledness, correct coloration etc. are properly assessed on candidates for registration.- How can I show my sheep in a breed classes when they aren’t old enough to register?You may apply to the registrar for a show certificate, which verifies that the animal is of California Red Sheep parentage and at the time of application appears to meet the standards. Show certificates expire one year from the date of birth of the lamb? In 2020, the Board of Directors voted to allow show certificates for wethers. Wether show certificates will not have expiration dates and wethers will not be eligible for registration.- Can I register a wether?The California Red Sheep Registry does not register wethers. As of 2020, you may apply for a wether show certificate so that you can show your wether.- I just sheared my sheep, how long do I have to wait to take registration photos?Up until 17 April 2010, registration photos were required to be taken in full fleece. At that time the Board voted that photographs with application may be taken either shorn or in full fleece- If I use a CA Red ram that does not belong to me can I register the babies?Yes, however, effective 19 January 2014, you are required to submit a Record of Service, if you are not the owner of the ram at time of service. This form should also be filed when a buyer purchases a ewe with a lamb in utero. This form requires that the owner of the ram sign verifying that his permission has been given to the Registry to register sheep produced by the unions denoted on the form- Do I need to provide a wool sample in order to register my sheep?Effective 17 April 2010 wool samples are no longer required when registering California Red Sheep.- Is there a weight requirement for registering California Red Sheep?Yes, however, certified weights are no longer required and applicants no longer need to record weights on their application for registration. The applicant does certify on the application “I certify that I have read the breed standards & registration requirements & I certify that the candidate named above meets those requirements.” This includes the weight requirements. Current weight requirements are:Rams: Yearling rams 160 pounds.2 & 3 year old rams 180 poundsEwes: Six month ewes 70 pounds.Each add’l month 5 poundsYearling ewes 100 pounds2 year old ewes 120 pounds3 year old ewes 130 pounds- Why do I have to provide photographs with my application for registration?The registrar needs to be able to verify that the candidate for registry meets the registration requirements and breed standards. Unlike breeds that have been around for centuries, the California Red Sheep is less than 50 years old and still occasionally produces throwbacks to badgerface markings, spots, white forward of the hornline, etc.- Can I register a California Red Sheep over the age of three?Registry rules prohibit registration of sheep who have turned four. However, on rare occasion the Board of Directors has entertained letters of hardship and granted late registration for good reason.- What is a ranch prefix?In November 2012, the registrar reported that the Registry was getting numerous repeats on names (Scarlet, Ruby, Curly Sue, etc) and this was causing some confusion by people looking up registration numbers for applications. Effective 23 February 2013, the Board directed the Registrar to begin appending breeder farm/ranch initials to new animal registrations. Suggestions for prefixes are: Breeder’s personal initials, ranch name initials, or Ranch Names. Once a prefix is assigned to a breeder that prefix cannot be used by any other breeder. A list of prefixes currently in use can be found here..- Do I have to use the eartags provided by the Registry when I registered my sheep?Registry rules as of 28 April 2012 state: Each California Red Sheep, once registered, is required to be identified with its registration number. Identification may be in the form of eartag, tattoo or microchip (location and type recorded with registry, owner must have chip reader.)- Can I register a lamb produced through Artificial Insemination?On the 20 of July, 1996, the Board of Directors approved the use of Artificial Insemination as an acceptable breeding practice, as long as the sample is collected and processed by an accredited AI lab. Any member interested in using this breeding practice is to write a protocol to submit to the Registry for prior approval. To-date no one has submitted a protocol.- Can I have my California Red Sheep registered by inspection?You can no longer have registrations approved by an inspector as of 2013. You may apply online or through mail-in application.- It looks like my ram is getting horns, can he still be registered.California Red Sheep are a polled breed. A full set of horns would eliminate him from eligibility for registration. Scurs, which the registry defines as any partial horn growth measuring 1 (one) inch or more, also, disqualify the ram from registration. Nubs, defined as horn buds less than 1 (one) inch are acceptable. Should you register a ram that produces horns or scurs at a later date it is your responsibility to cull the ram and notify the registry to remove him.- I see that I am suppose to check my ram for signs of Epididymitis when I apply for registration. What is Epididymitis and what am I looking for?Ram Epididymitis (RE) is the major cause of reduced fertility in rams. Hard lumps in the scrotal sac is the only physical sign. Newly purchased rams should be tested to insure that your herd is not infected.- On my application for registration it tells me to cheek that my sheep’s teeth meet dental pad. What am I looking for?If you look at your sheep’s mouth, it will have no teeth on top…this toothless gum area is the dental pad. Your sheep’s bottom teeth should touch that dental pad. If the teeth protrude in front of the dental pad (long lower jaw) or if the teeth touch behind the dental pad (parrot mouth) this is a serious conformation fault preventing the animal from adequately feeding itself and should not be registered.- One of my California Red Sheep’s ancestors has a number preceeded by “C”, what does that mean?From 30 November 1990 to 19 July 1992, the registry allowed the use of animals that did not meet registration requirements but had outstanding qualities which the registry wanted to preserve. No rams were allowed to receive C (Certificate of Origin) status. The ewes were sometimes badgerface, or had too much wool or too light weight. These animals could be used for breeding purposes only; their progeny were eligible for registry.- Is the California Red Sheep Registry an open or closed registry?The California Red Sheep Registry was closed on the 19 January 1992 which meant that only animals whose parents were registered California Red Sheep or held Certificates of Origin could be registered. In November of 2012, the book was re-opened for the purpose of admitting new foundation animals through a strictly regulated Rebuilding Program overseen by the Rebuilding Committee.- I am not a member, can I advertise on the California Red Sheep website?No. Classified ads on the website are limited to Members for advertising registered or registerable stock. Members may advertise free of charge, and the ads will run for 90 days or until the webmaster is notified of sale, whichever occurs first. Members who provide ads are responsible for the accuracy of their ads including the registration status of the animal.- Does the California Red Sheep Registry have a junior membership?As of Novemeber, 2013, the Registry created a committee to create rules, objectives and incentive for a Junior Membership. Junior Memberships will be free with membership by an adult parent or guardian- Can I pay for my membership and applications by credit card?The Registry recently began accepting credit card payments through Paypal. Paypal transactions are subject to a 4.5% convenience fee.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
-Why should I register my sheep?Maintaining a registered flock strengthens your reputation as a credible breeder and increases and protects the value of your animals. It warrantees to your buyers that the sheep you are selling them meet breed standards and thereby makes your animals more marketable. A registered flock provides traceability of pedigree and researchable records for buyers and breeders. In addition, especially when dealing with a rare breed like California Red Sheep, registry records provide a pool of genetic data which can be analyzed and shared with other breeders, ultimately leading to breed preservation and improvement.- Why can't I register my lambs as soon as they are born?Having been developed in the 1970’s, the California Red Sheep breed is very young in terms of genetic development. The Board of Directors has, from its inception, been concerned with developing and sustaining production animals that breed true to the Standard of Type for California Red Sheep. By waiting until six months of age on ewes and one year of age on rams the registrar can insure that characteristics such as size, polledness, correct coloration etc. are properly assessed on candidates for registration.- How can I show my sheep in a breed classes when they aren’t old enough to register?You may apply to the registrar for a show certificate, which verifies that the animal is of California Red Sheep parentage and at the time of application appears to meet the standards. Show certificates expire one year from the date of birth of the lamb? In 2020, the Board of Directors voted to allow show certificates for wethers. Wether show certificates will not have expiration dates and wethers will not be eligible for registration.- Can I register a wether?The California Red Sheep Registry does not register wethers. As of 2020, you may apply for a wether show certificate so that you can show your wether.- I just sheared my sheep, how long do I have to wait to take registration photos?Up until 17 April 2010, registration photos were required to be taken in full fleece. At that time the Board voted that photographs with application may be taken either shorn or in full fleece- If I use a CA Red ram that does not belong to me can I register the babies?Yes, however, effective 19 January 2014, you are required to submit a Record of Service, if you are not the owner of the ram at time of service. This form should also be filed when a buyer purchases a ewe with a lamb in utero. This form requires that the owner of the ram sign verifying that his permission has been given to the Registry to register sheep produced by the unions denoted on the form- Do I need to provide a wool sample in order to register my sheep?Effective 17 April 2010 wool samples are no longer required when registering California Red Sheep.- Is there a weight requirement for registering California Red Sheep?Yes, however, certified weights are no longer required and applicants no longer need to record weights on their application for registration. The applicant does certify on the application “I certify that I have read the breed standards & registration requirements & I certify that the candidate named above meets those requirements.” This includes the weight requirements. Current weight requirements are:Rams: Yearling rams 160 pounds.2 & 3 year old rams 180 poundsEwes: Six month ewes 70 pounds.Each add’l month 5 poundsYearling ewes 100 pounds2 year old ewes 120 pounds3 year old ewes 130 pounds- Why do I have to provide photographs with my application for registration?The registrar needs to be able to verify that the candidate for registry meets the registration requirements and breed standards. Unlike breeds that have been around for centuries, the California Red Sheep is less than 50 years old and still occasionally produces throwbacks to badgerface markings, spots, white forward of the hornline, etc.- Can I register a California Red Sheep over the age of three?Registry rules prohibit registration of sheep who have turned four. However, on rare occasion the Board of Directors has entertained letters of hardship and granted late registration for good reason.- What is a ranch prefix?In November 2012, the registrar reported that the Registry was getting numerous repeats on names (Scarlet, Ruby, Curly Sue, etc) and this was causing some confusion by people looking up registration numbers for applications. Effective 23 February 2013, the Board directed the Registrar to begin appending breeder farm/ranch initials to new animal registrations. Suggestions for prefixes are: Breeder’s personal initials, ranch name initials, or Ranch Names. Once a prefix is assigned to a breeder that prefix cannot be used by any other breeder. A list of prefixes currently in use can be found here..- Do I have to use the eartags provided by the Registry when I registered my sheep?Registry rules as of 28 April 2012 state: Each California Red Sheep, once registered, is required to be identified with its registration number. Identification may be in the form of eartag, tattoo or microchip (location and type recorded with registry, owner must have chip reader.)- Can I register a lamb produced through Artificial Insemination?On the 20 of July, 1996, the Board of Directors approved the use of Artificial Insemination as an acceptable breeding practice, as long as the sample is collected and processed by an accredited AI lab. Any member interested in using this breeding practice is to write a protocol to submit to the Registry for prior approval. To-date no one has submitted a protocol.- Can I have my California Red Sheep registered by inspection?You can no longer have registrations approved by an inspector as of 2013. You may apply online or through mail-in application.- It looks like my ram is getting horns, can he still be registered.California Red Sheep are a polled breed. A full set of horns would eliminate him from eligibility for registration. Scurs, which the registry defines as any partial horn growth measuring 1 (one) inch or more, also, disqualify the ram from registration. Nubs, defined as horn buds less than 1 (one) inch are acceptable. Should you register a ram that produces horns or scurs at a later date it is your responsibility to cull the ram and notify the registry to remove him.- I see that I am suppose to check my ram for signs of Epididymitis when I apply for registration. What is Epididymitis and what am I looking for?Ram Epididymitis (RE) is the major cause of reduced fertility in rams. Hard lumps in the scrotal sac is the only physical sign. Newly purchased rams should be tested to insure that your herd is not infected.- On my application for registration it tells me to cheek that my sheep’s teeth meet dental pad. What am I looking for?If you look at your sheep’s mouth, it will have no teeth on top…this toothless gum area is the dental pad. Your sheep’s bottom teeth should touch that dental pad. If the teeth protrude in front of the dental pad (long lower jaw) or if the teeth touch behind the dental pad (parrot mouth) this is a serious conformation fault preventing the animal from adequately feeding itself and should not be registered.- One of my California Red Sheep’s ancestors has a number preceeded by “C”, what does that mean?From 30 November 1990 to 19 July 1992, the registry
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
The history of the California Red Sheep began in the early 1970's when Dr. Glenn Spurlock in Davis, CA embarked on a Home Project (not affiliated with UC Davis), of crossing Tunis and Barbados sheep. Originally, Dr. Spurlock's goal was to create a larger framed, wool-less breed of sheep. His efforts to obtain the wool-less feature failed, but the remarkable hybrid sheep caught the eyes of Aime & Paulette Soulier of Winters, California.Through extensive efforts and selective breeding, the Souliers slowly increased the size of their flock and interested other sheep breeders including Alice Gardner of Dixon, CA. Over the years, their combined breeding efforts helped expand the scope of the program so that today there are more than fifty breeders throughout the US. To date, over 2,800 Reds have been enrolled in the California Red Sheep Registry since its inception. The wool of this distinctive young breed is prized by hand spinners and weavers alike and the meat is unequaled in tenderness and delicate flavor. Additionally, the newly created California Red breed displayed a calm, gentle disposition, distinctive color, resistance to many of the health and handling problems and also proved to be a successful year round breeder.What are they like?California Reds are graceful and eye catching in appearance. The rams in particular can be rather striking with manes of red hair (as in photo) in contrast to their beige or oatmeal colored wool. The legs and head are free of wool and instead are covered with hair ranging from gold to dark cinnamon in color. Both the ewes and rams have a bold, strong expression accented by finely chiseled muzzles. Their long and slightly pendulous ears give them a deer-like appearance when alert and at attention.Considered medium-sized sheep, when mature the rams weigh 225-250 pounds on average; and the ewes range from 130-150 pounds. Though alert and athletic, both rams and ewes are known for their gentle easy going temperaments and responsiveness to quiet handling. Both sexes are naturally hornless.The ewes are very patient but possessive mothers that instinctively care for the needs of their young. Ewes bond well with their lambs and can be quite defensive of them when needed. While yearlings can often give birth to single lambs, twins are not uncommon. As the ewes mature, and with successive lambing, twins (and occasionally multiples) are usually born along with plenty of milk available to feed the lambs. The belly and udder areas are pretty well free of wool so that even the most timid lambs are able to nurse easily.Lambs are born a solid rust or cinnamon red color. As they mature, the hair color that is retained on the legs and head can range from gold to dark cinnamon. The wool, as it grows out on the young animal, turns to beige or oatmeal in sharp contrast to the richly colored wool-free head and limbs. This transformation appears around 12-18 mos old or earlier depending on shearing.The California Red is an easy keeping breed that, when fed a balanced pasture grass and/or hay diet, does not require heavy graining to reach market weight. Depending on the region, weather conditions and type of wool market, California Reds are usually shorn once a year, just prior to lambing. Though the breed originated in California, they have been successfully ranged in extremely harsh weather area ranches in Canada, Colorado, Idaho and throughout the United States.Why consider California Reds?The desirable traits of this relatively new breed is many fold ...•WOOL is beige or oatmeal colored with hairs, ranging from gold to dark cinnamon red, intermixed throughout. Due to the silky feel of the wool, along with the unique visual texture of the contrasting hairs, it is no surprise that it is sought after by hand spinners and weavers. The staple length is usually three to six inches and measures in the 50 to 60's by the Bradford count, 30's micron count.•TROUBLE FREE BREEDING & LAMBING --The reproductive characteristics of California California Red Sheep lamb Shear Perfection Ranch demonstrating superior milk productionReds are also quite favorable. The rams are very active even in the hot summer months making year round breeding an option for many sheep raisers. The quiet, gentle and dedicated mothering nature of the ewes results in very few lambing or lamb-raising problems. Due to ample milk production, nursing lambs have very good weight gain even though twins are normally produced.•MEAT -- The meat from California Reds is unequaled in tenderness and taste. Along with a delicate flavor, their meat also contains significantly less fat than that of the more common sheep breeds. High quality meat production along with year round breeding is a winning combination for any sheep raiser, large or small.•MILK – The milk from California Red sheep has been found to be high in milk solids and their calm demeanors make them excellent candidates for inclusion in small/home dairy operations.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
The history of the California Red Sheep began in the early 1970's when Dr. Glenn Spurlock in Davis, CA embarked on a Home Project (not affiliated with UC Davis), of crossing Tunis and Barbados sheep. Originally, Dr. Spurlock's goal was to create a larger framed, wool-less breed of sheep. His efforts to obtain the wool-less feature failed, but the remarkable hybrid sheep caught the eyes of Aime & Paulette Soulier of Winters, California.Through extensive efforts and selective breeding, the Souliers slowly increased the size of their flock and interested other sheep breeders including Alice Gardner of Dixon, CA. Over the years, their combined breeding efforts helped expand the scope of the program so that today there are more than fifty breeders throughout the US. To date, over 2,800 Reds have been enrolled in the California Red Sheep Registry since its inception. The wool of this distinctive young breed is prized by hand spinners and weavers alike and the meat is unequaled in tenderness and delicate flavor. Additionally, the newly created California Red breed displayed a calm, gentle disposition, distinctive color, resistance to many of the health and handling problems and also proved to be a successful year round breeder.What are they like?California Reds are graceful and eye catching in appearance. The rams in particular can be rather striking with manes of red hair (as in photo) in contrast to their beige or oatmeal colored wool. The legs and head are free of wool and instead are covered with hair ranging from gold to dark cinnamon in color. Both the ewes and rams have a bold, strong expression accented by finely chiseled muzzles. Their long and slightly pendulous ears give them a deer-like appearance when alert and at attention.Considered medium-sized sheep, when mature the rams weigh 225-250 pounds on average; and the ewes range from 130-150 pounds. Though alert and athletic, both rams and ewes are known for their gentle easy going temperaments and responsiveness to quiet handling. Both sexes are naturally hornless.The ewes are very patient but possessive mothers that instinctively care for the needs of their young. Ewes bond well with their lambs and can be quite defensive of them when needed. While yearlings can often give birth to single lambs, twins are not uncommon. As the ewes mature, and with successive lambing, twins (and occasionally multiples) are usually born along with plenty of milk available to feed the lambs. The belly and udder areas are pretty well free of wool so that even the most timid lambs are able to nurse easily.Lambs are born a solid rust or cinnamon red color. As they mature, the hair color that is retained on the legs and head can range from gold to dark cinnamon. The wool, as it grows out on the young animal, turns to beige or oatmeal in sharp contrast to the richly colored wool-free head and limbs. This transformation appears around 12-18 mos old or earlier depending on shearing.The California Red is an easy keeping breed that, when fed a balanced pasture grass and/or hay diet, does not require heavy graining to reach market weight. Depending on the region, weather conditions and type of wool market, California Reds are usually shorn once a year, just prior to lambing. Though the breed originated in California, they have been successfully ranged in extremely harsh weather area ranches in Canada, Colorado, Idaho and throughout the United States.Why consider California Reds?The desirable traits of this relatively new breed is many fold ...•WOOL is beige or oatmeal colored with hairs, ranging from gold to dark cinnamon red, intermixed throughout. Due to the silky feel of the wool, along with the unique visual texture of the contrasting hairs, it is no surprise that it is sought after by hand spinners and weavers. The staple length is usually three to six inches and measures in the 50 to 60's by the Bradford count, 30's micron count.•TROUBLE FREE BREEDING & LAMBING --The reproductive characteristics of California California Red Sheep lamb Shear Perfection Ranch demonstrating superior milk productionReds are also quite favorable. The rams are very active even in the hot summer months making year round breeding an option for many sheep raisers. The quiet, gentle and dedicated mothering nature of the ewes results in very few lambing or lamb-raising problems. Due to ample milk production, nursing lambs have very good weight gain even though twins are normally produced.•MEAT -- The meat from California Reds is unequaled in tenderness and taste. Along with a delicate flavor, their meat also contains significantly less fat than that of the more common sheep breeds. High quality meat production along with year round breeding is a winning combination for any sheep raiser, large or small.•MILK – The milk from California Red sheep has been found to be high in milk solids and their calm demeanors make them excellent candidates for inclusion in small/home dairy operations.
1. BODY-Medium breadth of chest with back wide and long. Viewed from the side, the top line should be straight. Hindquarters should be wide and deep with well-muscled thighs.2. HEAD/FACE-Head is distinctive, hornless, both with a prominent nose, wide nostrils, and a strong jaw. There should be no wool forward of the ears.3. MOUTH-Even well-set jaw with teeth meeting the dental pad with a firm bite.4. LEGS-Well placed on the corners of the torso. Legs should also be covered with gold to cinnamon colored hair and no wool should be present below knees or hocks. The bone should be adequate to carry the body weight of rams; and in ewes be adequate to support her when carrying multiple lambs. Joints should be well developed so that the legs are reasonably straight and supportive. Pasterns should be well set up and straight.5. FLEECE-Wool is beige or oatmeal in color, fine to medium in handle and has a silky texture with reddish hair. Wool should not extend forward of the horn line or below the hocks. Annual growth should average 3-6” and each animal fleece should average 4-7 lbs.6. COLOR-Ears, muzzle, legs, and head should be covered with gold to cinnamon colored hair. Black, brown, and gray colors are unacceptable in coloration.7. SPOTS-A white spot on top of the head should not be penalized, but it must be small and cannot extend on to the face of the animal, in front of the horn line. Black or white spots anywhere on the body are unacceptable.8. RAMS-Rams should appear strong and masculine. Rams shall have two normal distended testicles of equal size and have a good circumference. A split in the testes is undesirable. Rams often have extensive manes of red hair and this should not be penalized. California Red rams are active breeders even in the heat of summer.9. EWES-Ewes should cycle year-round and are virtually free of lambing problems. California Red ewes are excellent mothers and produce enough milk to easily raise twins. Appearance should be bright and alert with feminine characteristics.10. TAIL-Well set up, almost level with the top line.11. BELLY-Little or no wool12. EARS-Ears should be long and pendulous.13. EYES-Eyes should be bright and alert with no evidence of corneal ulceration due to split eyelid or inverted eyelid. Eye color should range from a dark yellow to dark brown.14. FEET-Feet should be pointed straight ahead and not turn out at an angle. Split between toes should not be large or splayed. Feet should be resistant to foot rot or scald.15. DISPOSITION-California Reds are alert and athletic, but both rams and ewes react well to quiet treatment and are not difficult to handle.16. MOTTLING-While spots are not desirable on the face, body or legs, mottled skin (pink with black or dark red spots) in the nasal area, inside ears, on udders and teats, anus and on the sheath area of the ram are acceptable and may be considered desirable, as pigmentation indicates a stronger skin, which is less subject to chaffing, cracking and sunburn.
Present members of the registry have adopted the following “standards of type” which they believe are the desirable characteristics of the ideal California Red Sheep. The Standards of Type portrays the ideal for which every breeder should aim. As breeders we must not be satisfied with existing animals, but from them strive to strengthen weaknesses without losing strengths. All defects are relative. For example, a foot can be so slightly twisted that the defect is insignificant, or it could be so badly deformed that the animal should not be registered. Defects are also of relative importance one to another. For instance, a sheep of weak conformation and relatively true to type in all other aspects is much more serious than a sheep with a spot. As guardians of the breed, each breeder should have some idea not only of the relative importance of defects, the aggregate importance of minor defects, but also when the extent of one or more defects warrants not registering a candidate or pulling an already registered animal. The quality of what we produce will ultimately determine its market value.NOTE: ***These Standards of Type are not the registration requirements. Registration Requirements will be addressed elsewhere in this Registry Book.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Present members of the registry have adopted the following “standards of type” which they believe are the desirable characteristics of the ideal California Red Sheep. The Standards of Type portrays the ideal for which every breeder should aim. As breeders we must not be satisfied with existing animals, but from them strive to strengthen weaknesses without losing strengths. All defects are relative. For example, a foot can be so slightly twisted that the defect is insignificant, or it could be so badly deformed that the animal should not be registered. Defects are also of relative importance one to another. For instance, a sheep of weak conformation and relatively true to type in all other aspects is much more serious than a sheep with a spot. As guardians of the breed, each breeder should have some idea not only of the relative importance of defects, the aggregate importance of minor defects, but also when the extent of one or more defects warrants not registering a candidate or pulling an already registered animal. The quality of what we produce will ultimately determine its market value.NOTE: ***These Standards of Type are not the registration requirements. Registration Requirements will be addressed elsewhere in this Registry Book.
1. BODY-Medium breadth of chest with back wide and long. Viewed from the side, the top line should be straight. Hindquarters should be wide and deep with well-muscled thighs.2. HEAD/FACE-Head is distinctive, hornless, both with a prominent nose, wide nostrils, and a strong jaw. There should be no wool forward of the ears.3. MOUTH-Even well-set jaw with teeth meeting the dental pad with a firm bite.4. LEGS-Well placed on the corners of the torso. Legs should also be covered with gold to cinnamon colored hair and no wool should be present below knees or hocks. The bone should be adequate to carry the body weight of rams; and in ewes be adequate to support her when carrying multiple lambs. Joints should be well developed so that the legs are reasonably straight and supportive. Pasterns should be well set up and straight.5. FLEECE-Wool is beige or oatmeal in color, fine to medium in handle and has a silky texture with reddish hair. Wool should not extend forward of the horn line or below the hocks. Annual growth should average 3-6” and each animal fleece should average 4-7 lbs.6. COLOR-Ears, muzzle, legs, and head should be covered with gold to cinnamon colored hair. Black, brown, and gray colors are unacceptable in coloration.7. SPOTS-A white spot on top of the head should not be penalized, but it must be small and cannot extend on to the face of the animal, in front of the horn line. Black or white spots anywhere on the body are unacceptable.8. RAMS-Rams should appear strong and masculine. Rams shall have two normal distended testicles of equal size and have a good circumference. A split in the testes is undesirable. Rams often have extensive manes of red hair and this should not be penalized. California Red rams are active breeders even in the heat of summer.9. EWES-Ewes should cycle year-round and are virtually free of lambing problems. California Red ewes are excellent mothers and produce enough milk to easily raise twins. Appearance should be bright and alert with feminine characteristics.10. TAIL-Well set up, almost level with the top line.11. BELLY-Little or no wool12. EARS-Ears should be long and pendulous.13. EYES-Eyes should be bright and alert with no evidence of corneal ulceration due to split eyelid or inverted eyelid. Eye color should range from a dark yellow to dark brown.14. FEET-Feet should be pointed straight ahead and not turn out at an angle. Split between toes should not be large or splayed. Feet should be resistant to foot rot or scald.15. DISPOSITION-California Reds are alert and athletic, but both rams and ewes react well to quiet treatment and are not difficult to handle.16. MOTTLING-While spots are not desirable on the face, body or legs, mottled skin (pink with black or dark red spots) in the nasal area, inside ears, on udders and teats, anus and on the sheath area of the ram are acceptable and may be considered desirable, as pigmentation indicates a stronger skin, which is less subject to chaffing, cracking and sunburn.
Lynda Silk (Sutter, CA)-PresidentHeidi Caetano (Madera, CA)-Vice PresidentTraci Virus(Hebron NE)-Recording Secretary/TreasurerLorrie Crumpler (Newport, WA)-Board Member Lyn Brown (La Plata, NM)-Registrar Kerry Rapelje Calhan, CO)-Board Member Jamie Jackson (Cody, WY)-Board MemberCOMMITTEESRebuilding ProjectKerry Rapelje, ChairpersonLyn BrownKaren LewisMary Lee Baker AlfordLynda SilkLorrie CrumplerKaren DukesHeidi CaetanoKathleen AlfordShow IncentivesLynda Silk, Co-ChairTraci Virus, Co-ChairNewsletterNEED VOLUNTEERSShow/ExhibitLynda Silk, ChairpersonLyn BrownNOTE: If you would like to volunteer to be part of any of these committees, please send email to the registry.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Lynda Silk (Sutter, CA)-PresidentHeidi Caetano (Madera, CA)-Vice PresidentTraci Virus(Hebron NE)-Recording Secretary/TreasurerLorrie Crumpler (Newport, WA)-Board Member Lyn Brown (La Plata, NM)-Registrar Kerry Rapelje Calhan, CO)-Board Member Jamie Jackson (Cody, WY)-Board MemberCOMMITTEESRebuilding ProjectKerry Rapelje, ChairpersonLyn BrownKaren LewisMary Lee Baker AlfordLynda SilkLorrie CrumplerKaren DukesHeidi CaetanoKathleen AlfordShow IncentivesLynda Silk, Co-ChairTraci Virus, Co-ChairNewsletterNEED VOLUNTEERSShow/Exhibit
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Fee Schedule
USA Member
Member Outside USA
Non-Member USA
Non-Member Outside USA
New Membership (includes Registry Binder)
Annual Renewal (includes updated pages for Registry binder by email)
Annual Renewal (includes updated pages for Registry binder by mail)
Junior Membership
free with parent/guardian membership
free with parent/guardian membership
Application for Registration Per Animal (whether pass or fail)
Show Certificate per Animal (whether pass or fail)
Show Certificate per Animal for showing wethered male (wethers are not eligible for registration)
Transfer of Ownership per Animal
Transfer of Ownership per Animal
Change of Animals Name (no charge if done at time of transfer)
Replacement registration papers for lost or destroyed papers
All fees are due at the time of the request. Registry Binders, Registration Papers or “Show Purpose Only” Certificates will not me mailed/emailed until all fees are paid in full.
All fees paid by credit card are subject to a 4.5% convenience fee.
Annual Renewal (includes updated pages for Registry binder by email)
Annual Renewal (includes updated pages for Registry binder by mail)
Junior Membership
free with parent guardian membership
free with parent guardian membership
Application for Registration Per Animal (whether pass or fail)
Show Certificate per Animal (whether pass or fail)
Show Certificate per Animal for showing wethered male (wethers are not eligible for registration)
Transfer of Ownership per Animal
Transfer of Ownership per Animal
Change of Animals Name (no charge if done at time of transfer)
Replacement registration papers for lost or destroyed papers
All fees paid by credit card are subject to a 4.5% convenience fee.
All fees are due at the time of the request. Registry Binders, Registration Papers or “Show Purpose Only” Certificates will not me mailed/emailed until all fees are paid in full.
These are examples of good registration photos accompanied by suggestions to make
sure you submit satisfactory photos when completing applications.
Front view:The front view should include the entire animal from head to toes. Watch that shadows do not fall over the front of the animals. There should be enough light and contrast for the registrar to see that there are no spots. Avoid taking photos in high pastures that block the feet. The registrar loves photos like this that identify the animals because the ear tag is zoom-able.
Left side:Again, registrar needs to see the entire animal including heads and toes and, as much as possible four legs. Taking photos in barns is challenging and most barns do not have adequate light to take good registration photos. The head should be forward or facing the camera, not turn back away from the camera. The registrar is looking for wool placement, clean legs and head, any disqualifying spots, including placement of any poll spots.
Right side:Basically the same advice applies as the left side comments. One thing we have not mentioned is human hand placement, handlers should try to keep hands from blocking portions of the animal that are being examined. The registrar realizes that not all candidates are halter broken and keeping hands out of the way can be difficult, if you need to submit two pictures to get all of the animal in that will be okay.
Top of Head:The registrar needs to be able to see the hornline and the poll spot placement.
Rear view:Group shots are okay as long as it is obvious which animal is the subject of the photo. Otherwise, photos should be cropped so there is no doubt as to which animal is the candidate. Rear shots should include the hips and down to the toes. Angle is very important when photographing ram candidates, the registrar needs to be able to see the scrotal area and evaluate the size and shape.
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Front view:The front view should include the entire animal from head to toes. Watch that shadows do not fall over the front of the animals. There should be enough light and contrast for the registrar to see that there are no spots. Avoid taking photos in high pastures that block the feet. The registrar loves photos like this that identify the animals because the ear tag is zoom-able.
Left side:Again, registrar needs to see the entire animal including heads and toes and, as much as possible four legs. Taking photos in barns is challenging and most barns do not have adequate light to take good registration photos. The head should be forward or facing the camera, not turn back away from the camera. The registrar is looking for wool placement, clean legs and head, any disqualifying spots, including placement of any poll spots.
Right side:Basically the same advice applies as the left side comments. One thing we have not mentioned is human hand placement, handlers should try to keep hands from blocking portions of the animal that are being examined. The registrar realizes that not all candidates are halter broken and keeping hands out of the way can be difficult, if you need to submit two pictures to get all of the animal in that will be okay.
Top of Head:The registrar needs to be able to see the hornline and the poll spot placement.
Rear view:Group shots are okay as long as it is obvious which animal is the subject of the photo. Otherwise, photos should be cropped so there is no doubt as to which animal is the candidate. Rear shots should include the hips and down to the toes. Angle is very important when photographing ram candidates, the registrar needs to be able to see the scrotal area and evaluate the size and shape.
CR Ram List
Ram List by registration number. This list includes name, flock number, date of birth, sire, dam, owner, breeder and birth type..
Rebuilding Rams
The Lineage Registry Ram List shows each ram (Tunis, Barbados Blackbelly and percentage crossbreds) used in the California Red Sheep Rebuilding Project.
This section provides a pedigree and photo (when available) of each registered ram and ewe in the Registry.
Rebuilding Ewes
The Lineage Registry Ewe List shows each ewe (Tunis, Barbados Blackbelly and percentage crossbreds) used in the California Red Sheep Rebuilding Project..
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
CR Ewe List
Ewe List by registration number. This list includes name, flock number, date of birth, sire, dam, owner, breeder and birth type.
CR Ram List
Ram List by registration number. This list includes name, flock number, date of birth, sire, dam, owner, breeder and birth type..
Certificate of Origin
For a 2 yr period, the registry allowed use of ewes that did not meet registration requirements but had outstanding qualities which the registry wanted to preserve. No rams were allowed .
This section provides a pedigree and photo (when available) of each registered ram and ewe in the Registry.
Rebuilding Rams
The Lineage Registry Ram List shows each ram (Tunis, Barbados Blackbelly and percentage crossbreds) used in the California Red Sheep Rebuilding Project.
Rebuilding Ewes
The Lineage Registry Ewe List shows each ewe (Tunis, Barbados Blackbelly and percentage crossbreds) used in the California Red Sheep Rebuilding Project..
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Pedigrees will be added to this website slowly. We will add in reverse order with the most current pedigrees being added first. Eventually we will have pedigrees all the way back to the first animals registered with the Registry.
1Reg #Name899R18991900Sampson1901R19011902R19021903R19031904Diablo Soleado1905R19051906R19061907R19071908R19081909R19091910R19101911R19111912R19121913R19131914R19141915R19151916R19161917R19171918R19181919Red Knight1920R19201921Elrond1921R19211922Rahrah1923Rosie1924Tara1925Daisy1926Violet1927Idaho Rose1928Paige1929Chantilly1930One Hot Popper1931Cindi1932R19321933R19331934R19341935R19351936Dolly1937Honey Baby1938Emma1939Fair Maiden1940Dream Weaver1941Sway1942Tsarevna1943Tailgater1944Lynx1945Jess; 2 Impress Ewe1946Jess' Prime Time 1947Jess' A Breeze1948Jess' Another Monday 1949Jess' A Replay1950Bambi1951NC Red1952Carina
Reg #Name1953Bozie1954GRF Paprika1955Sandi1956Zoro1957Foxglove1958Jess' Humor Me1959Red Popper1960Ralph1961Emma1962Olive1963Hanna1964Theresa1965Duncan1966Harry1967Lewis1968Clark1969Buttercup1970Valerie1971Princess1972Inigo1973R19731974R19741975R19751976R19761977R19771978R19781979R19791980#14801981#5081982Patrick1983Gibralter1984Diego1985Dante1986Silk's Red Cinnamon1987Silk's Red Pop Tart1988Silk's Red Sammie1989Troll 1990Weaver1991Aidan1992Debs1993Ellen1994Adrian1996R19961997R19971998Rouble1999Splash N Go2000 Herbie Husker2001 Heidi Fleece2002 Nika2003 Ava Sundance
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Reg #Name2004Expect the Gold2005 Baangles2006 GRF Luci2007 R20072008 R20082009R20092010R20102011R20112012Ruby2013Blush2014Expressive-Ness2015Monica Eweinsky2016Arson-Ness2017Curly Simon2018Jess' A Minute 2019Sigourney Weaver2020Fleecewool Mack2021Holy FreeHoLee2022Sam the Chamois2023Cyclone2024R20242025No Tanks Little Red2026Bess2027Make My Day2028Sipapu2029Mayhem2030Heather2031Sallie Mae2032Jen's Jet2033Mabel2034Charlett2035Millie2036Red Grandpa's Girl2037Windy's Wild Won2038Abby2039Wildfire2040 Silk's Red Crewella2041Silk's Red Fergie2042 Silk's Red Prince Charles2043 Peggy Sue2044 Polly Ana2045 Penny Lane2046 Peppermint Patty2047Adrian2048 Shirley2049 Terri2050 Cookie2051Chip2052 Chunk2053 Piper2054 Tweet2055 Sparrow2056 Finch
Reg #Name2057Petro2058Diesel2059Silk's Red Capt'n Hook2060LaVern2061Hereford2062Honore de Balzac2063R20632064R20642065R20652066Bozie Jr.2067Little Caesar2068Miss Tilly2069Georgia2070Rita2071Pearl Ram2072Premonition2073Day Ja Ewe2074Fabrege2075Katie2076Madeline2077Roxy2078Megan2079Dottie2080Annie2081Reddy2082Deer2083Daisy2084 R20842085 R20852086 R20862087 Red Hot Again2088 Jay II2089 Tincker Bell2090 Heidi2091Senta2092 RoseAnn2093 Tamale2094 Pearl 2095 Scarlet2096 James Bond2097 Slightly Mindy2098 Our Victoria2099 Marilyn Manson2100Tobago2101Trinidad2102X-Quiz-It2103Run The Credits2104Mighty Jay2105Cooler2106Apple Cart2107Road Racer2108Jess' About Perfect2109Hot Shot2110SDR Molly
Reg #Name2111SDR Red Eye Flight2112SDR Pizzo Puzzer2113Appealing2114Cinnamon2115Antiquity2116Shiraz2117Salsa2118Charlie Rose2119Chassie2120Ruthie2121Beckie2122Sierra Mist2123Owen2124Colleen2125Kathleen2126Maureen2127Maria Fea21280026-NC125003721290031-NC125000372130M-T Teresa Scanlamb2130Teresa Scanlamb2131Calliope/PG22132Venus/PG22133Hestia/Lucky2134Eos/Blonde2135Paco2136Jolliet Jake2137Sherlock2138Watson2139Rohan2140KM Ranch Snickerdoodle2141Silk's Red Little Dewece Coupe2142Silk's Redneck Ewe2143Samantha Sooner2144Adorabull's Yosemite2145Popper's Charlie2146Ruby Red2147Wildflower2148Riddly2149GRF Buster2150Colonel Klink2151W-Iceman2152 ChiliTodayHotTamale2153Ozzy2154MOHH Swoozie2155MOHh Katie 2156MOHh Poppy2157MOHh Nichole2158MOHh Bette2159MOHh Jane
Reg #Name2160MOHh Lucy2161MOHH James2162Ace2163Tiger Lilly2164Red Velvet2165R21652166R21662167R21672168R21682169R21692170R21702171R21712172R21722173Ctekosa2174Jess' A Scarlet Harlot2175Woolsey Vonn2176Goldie2177Ness' Big Thing2178Ness' Top Model2179Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'2180Cool Whip2181Cat Baallou2182Abigail2183Abby2184Big Lady2185Za Za2186In The Spotlight2187Berta2188Baa Ram Ewe2189Juanita2190Kimber2191Mysterio 2192Sun Runner2193Red Ragtop2194Barolo2195Rhettro2196Spice2197Merlot2198Emerald2199Chewy R21992200SDR Frosty R2200 2201Ewe Be Tankful 2202Tanks for the Memories R22022203MC West Coast Chops2204M-T Tank Ewe Too2205DS Akahana2206DS Tourmaline2207DS RC's Red Jewel2208DS Frosty's Lamb2209DMD James Bond2210Jane Garden #07112211Jane Garden #1012#930
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Reg #Name2004Expect the Gold2005 Baangles2006 GRF Luci2007 R20072008 R20082009R20092010R20102011R20112012Ruby2013Blush2014Expressive-Ness2015Monica Eweinsky2016Arson-Ness2017Curly Simon2018Jess' A Minute 2019Sigourney Weaver2020Fleecewool Mack2021Holy FreeHoLee2022Sam the Chamois2023Cyclone2024R20242025No Tanks Little Red2026Bess2027Make My Day2028Sipapu2029Mayhem2030Heather2031Sallie Mae2032Jen's Jet2033Mabel2034Charlett2035Millie2036Red Grandpa's Girl2037Windy's Wild Won2038Abby2039Wildfire2040 Silk's Red Crewella2041Silk's Red Fergie2042 Silk's Red Prince Charles2043 Peggy Sue2044 Polly Ana2045 Penny Lane2046 Peppermint Patty2047Adrian2048 Shirley2049 Terri2050 Cookie2051Chip2052 Chunk2053 Piper2054 Tweet2055 Sparrow2056 Finch
Reg #Name2057Petro2058Diesel2059Silk's Red Capt'n Hook2060LaVern2061Hereford2062Honore de Balzac2063R20632064R20642065R20652066Bozie Jr.2067Little Caesar2068Miss Tilly2069Georgia2070Rita2071Pearl Ram2072Premonition2073Day Ja Ewe2074Fabrege2075Katie2076Madeline2077Roxy2078Megan2079Dottie2080Annie2081Reddy2082Deer2083Daisy2084 R20842085 R20852086 R20862087 Red Hot Again2088 Jay II2089 Tincker Bell2090 Heidi2091Senta2092 RoseAnn2093 Tamale2094 Pearl 2095 Scarlet2096 James Bond2097 Slightly Mindy2098 Our Victoria2099 Marilyn Manson2100Tobago2101Trinidad2102X-Quiz-It2103Run The Credits2104Mighty Jay2105Cooler2106Apple Cart2107Road Racer2108Jess' About Perfect2109Hot Shot2110SDR Molly
Reg #Name2111SDR Red Eye Flight2112SDR Pizzo Puzzer2113Appealing2114Cinnamon2115Antiquity2116Shiraz2117Salsa2118Charlie Rose2119Chassie2120Ruthie2121Beckie2122Sierra Mist2123Owen2124Colleen2125Kathleen2126Maureen2127Maria Fea21280026-NC125003721290031-NC125000372130M-T Teresa Scanlamb2130Teresa Scanlamb2131Calliope/PG22132Venus/PG22133Hestia/Lucky2134Eos/Blonde2135Paco2136Jolliet Jake2137Sherlock2138Watson2139Rohan2140KM Ranch Snickerdoodle2141Silk's Red Little Dewece Coupe2142Silk's Redneck Ewe2143Samantha Sooner2144Adorabull's Yosemite2145Popper's Charlie2146Ruby Red2147Wildflower2148Riddly2149GRF Buster2150Colonel Klink2151W-Iceman2152 ChiliTodayHotTamale2153Ozzy2154MOHH Swoozie2155MOHh Katie 2156MOHh Poppy2157MOHh Nichole2158MOHh Bette2159MOHh Jane
Reg #Name2160MOHh Lucy2161MOHH James2162Ace2163Tiger Lilly2164Red Velvet2165R21652166R21662167R21672168R21682169R21692170R21702171R21712172R21722173Ctekosa2174Jess' A Scarlet Harlot2175Woolsey Vonn2176Goldie2177Ness' Big Thing2178Ness' Top Model2179Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'2180Cool Whip2181Cat Baallou2182Abigail2183Abby2184Big Lady2185Za Za2186In The Spotlight2187Berta2188Baa Ram Ewe2189Juanita2190Kimber2191Mysterio 2192Sun Runner2193Red Ragtop2194Barolo2195Rhettro2196Spice2197Merlot2198Emerald2199Chewy R21992200SDR Frosty R2200 2201Ewe Be Tankful 2202Tanks for the Memories R22022203MC West Coast Chops2204M-T Tank Ewe Too2205DS Akahana2206DS Tourmaline2207DS RC's Red Jewel2208DS Frosty's Lamb2209DMD James Bond2210Jane Garden #07112211Jane Garden #1012#930
Copyright The California Red Sheep Registry, Inc. and/or
Reg #Name2261 Silk's Little Red Riding Hood2262Silk's Red Spindle2263SP Baby Take a Baa2264SP Maylin2265SP Go Daddy Girl2266SP Hat Dancer2267Silk's Ring of Fire2268SP Quickbaa McGraw2269ACR #1402270ACR Fancy Nancy2271SP Double Dog Dare Ewe2272SP Woollinaire2273MC Rocky2274MC Bunny2275SHF Twoflower2276SHF Carrot2277SHF Cheery Longbottom2278SHF Alba2279RC The Zohan2280Ebbers Tootsie Roll2281Ebbers Red Licorice2282 Ebbers Lolli Pop2283 Ebbers Laffy Taffy2284 Ebbers Barbi Ewe2285 M-T No Way2286Hayes #242287Hayes #222288Williwaw's Poppy2289Williwaw's Clover 2290SHF Miss Annie2291CS Lucy2292SHF Red Sonja2293 SHF Sheena2294SP Krugerrand2295Apple Rose Farm Reedy2296Apple Rose Farm Felix2297Apple Rose Farm Chirp2298Apple Rose Farm Jasper2299Apple Rose Farm Hawk2300Apple Rose Farm Jose2301 ASC #302 2302 ASC #3042303ASC #3052305ASC #308
Reg #Name2306ASC #3102307LM Colorado Red2308LM Alaska2309MP Magic Trick2310SDR Irish Red2311MC Prancer2312MC Ellie May2313SBF Pink2314SBF Cherry2315SBF Violet2316SBF Bean2317SDR Hercules2318SP Ram & Eggs2319RdlP Maximus2320TCR Minute Maid2321TCR RU4OU22322XC Belle2323XC Holly2324XC Jasmine2325XC Mistletoe2326XC Wendy2327DD Molly2328DD Annie2329DD Calypso2330DD Yellow Cat2331DD Birch2332DD Ewe Fill Up My Senses2333DD Ramdude2334M-T Prince Harry2335M-T Little Chief Sundance2336SP Jess' How I Roll2337SP Tortilla Mia2338SP Rising Star2339SP Golden Road2340SP Ewe First2341RC Nike2342RC 13072343RC Persophone2344RC13102345RC Ginny2346RC Rhea2347RC 13202348M-T Miss Perfect2349RC 13012350RC 13042351RC 13052352XC 10-Yellow2353TCR Tropicana2354DS Fred2355SP Bless Ewe2356SP Firebird2357SP Shoot the Breeze2358SP Pajarito2359SP Hot Shotlate